How It All Started

Hi! My name is Hannah, and I am the (only) owner & operator of Tatum+Rose Graphics!

I was born and raised in the small town of Crossville, TN (VFL!!). Growing up, I never knew what I wanted to do... I just knew that I didn't want to be stuck in an office every day. Once I became a new mom after having my first baby girl in March of 2022, going back to work full time away from her was not an option for me.

I wanted to do something I loved PLUS get to be with my daughters daily and watch them grow. So, I took a risk and quit my full-time day job to create something surrounding what I am extremely passionate about... CLOTHES

If you know me, you've probably seen me in an oversized t-shirt or crewneck 99% of the time. The other 1% is probably on a day that I decided I really need to do a load of laundry so I can wear all my favorites all. over. again

With Tatum+Rose Graphics, I hope to create all your fav wardrobe go-to's, in hopes that you never run out!

All items are locally handmade / customized by me and shipped directly from TN! 🧡